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Promotional and stackable baskets
Promo and Stackable Baskets
Promotional and stackable baskets
On request
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
FINISH:: Chromed, Painted, Galvanized
On request
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
FINISH:: Chromed, Painted, Galvanized
On request
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
FINISH:: Chromed, Painted, Galvanized
Promo and Stackable Baskets
Promotional and stackable baskets
On request

Wire divider for stackable basket.

Dividers for stackable baskets
CodeDescriptionL (mm)P(mm)H(mm)Pz/BoxBox/Pallet
ST037Divider for stackable basket (pxFamily) 400 x 300-400300--
ST038Divider for stackable basket (pxFamily) 500 x 300-500300--
ST040Divider for stackable basket (pxFamily) 400 x 400-400400--
ST042Divider for stackable basket (pxFamily) 600 x 400-600400--
ST041Divider for stackable basket (pxFamily) 500 x 400-500400--
Maximum dimensions Divider for Stackable Basket.
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
FINISH:: Chromed, Painted, Galvanized
On request

Sheet metal wheeled base for Stackable Basket.

Wheeled base for stackable baskets
CodeDescriptionL (mm)P(mm)H(mm)Pz/BoxBox/Pallet
ST044Wheeled base for stackable basket (LxP) 660 x 500660500-1-
ST045Wheeled base for stackable basket (LxP) 660 x 600660600-1-
ST047Wheeled base for stackable basket (LxP) 1000 x 5001000500-1-
ST048Wheeled base for stackable basket (LxP) 1000 x 6001000600-1-
ST050Wheeled base for stackable basket (LxP) 1330 x 5001330500-1-
ST051Wheeled base for stackable basket (LxP) 1330 x 6001330600-1-
ST046Wheeled base for stackable basket (LxP) 1000 x 4001000400-1-
Wheeled base nominal dimensions for Stackable Basket.
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
FINISH:: Chromed, Painted, Galvanized
On request

Wire basket made with the specific intention of making it stackable in order to increase the display space.

Download General catalog
Code Description L (mm) P(mm) H(mm) Pz/Box Box/Pallet
ST002 Stackable wire basket 660 x 500 x 300 660 500 300 20 Pz -
ST005 Stackable wire basket 660 x 500 x 400 660 500 400 20 Pz -
ST006 Stackable wire basket 660 x 600 x 400 660 600 400 20 Pz -
ST007 Stackable wire basket 1000 x 400 x 300 1000 400 300 10 Pz -
ST008 Stackable wire basket 1000 x 500 x 300 1000 500 300 10 Pz -
ST010 Stackable wire basket 1000 x 400 x 400 1000 400 400 10 Pz -
ST011 Stackable wire basket 1000 x 500 x 400 1000 500 400 10 Pz -
ST012 Stackable wire basket 1000 x 600 x 400 1000 600 400 10 Pz -
ST017 Stackable wire basket 1330 x 500 x 400 1330 500 400 10 Pz -
ST018 Stackable wire basket 1330 x 600 x 400 1330 600 400 10 Pz -
ST914 Stackable wire basket 1250 x 500 x 300 1250 500 300 10 Pz -
Indication of nominal dimensions Stackable Basket
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
FINISH:: Chromed, Painted, Galvanized
Promo and Stackable Baskets
Promotional and stackable baskets
Wire divider for stackable basket. Dividers for stackable baskets Code Description L (mm) P(mm) H(mm) Pcs/Box Boxes/Pallets ST037 Divider for stackable basket (pxFamily) 400 x 300 - 400 300 - - ST038 divider for Read More
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
On request
Sheet metal wheeled base for Stackable Basket. Wheeled base for stackable baskets Code Description L (mm) P(mm) H(mm) Pcs/Box Boxes/Pallets ST044 Wheeled base for stackable basket (LxP) 660 x 500 660 500 - 1 - Read More
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
On request
Wire basket made with the specific intention of making it stackable in order to increase the display space. Cesti impilabili Codice Descrizione L (mm) P(mm) H(mm) Pz/Box Box/Pallet S Read More
Categories Promo and Stackable Baskets
On request