
Front panel H 30 compatibile Elea (ST-0088)

Compatibility: Sistema Elea.

Frontalino in filo altezza 30 mm per ripiano compatibile con i passi tipici delle scaffalature con sistema Elea. Available for tops with width up to 1330. For any out-of-catalog sizes, please contact our sales department.

Finish: Chromed, Painted, Galvanized.

Front panel Compatible H30
Sistema EleaPacking
CodeDescriptionL (mm)P (mm)H (mm)Pz/BoxBox/Pallet
ST-0088.01Front panel comp. Elea L 500 x H 30500-3080-
ST-0088.02Front panel comp. Elea L 665 x H 30665-3080-
ST-0088.03Front panel comp. Elea L 1000 x H 301000-3060-
ST-0088.04Front panel comp. Elea L 1220 x H 301220-3060-
ST-0088.05Front panel comp. Elea L 1250 x H 301250-3045-
ST-0088.06Front panel comp. Elea L 1330 x H 301330-3045-

Category: Frontalins and thread dividers for exhibition floors
Tags: Front panel,Sistema Elea